Saturday, 25 August 2012

Hello poultry farmers this is a new fertilizing product from GNLD COMPANY to you for maximum growth and profit from your poultry business. IT PROTECT THEM FROM ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND KEEP THEM HEALTHY. ABOVE IS ONE OF A POULTRY IN GHANA THAT GNLD SUPER GRO HAS WORK FOR.


Gevorak said...

how to use it?

Gevorak said...

how to use it?

Gevorak said...

how to use it on chickens?

Durosinmi kunle said...

pls how do we get it the mobile number that was there is not available

Gevorak said...

hi durosinimi kunle... i can help u to find it... take my email n this is my number +255716440077..

Unknown said...

i will forward the fliers and video cd that contain the instruction on how to use it.

Unknown said...

the number is going, 08098458626

Unknown said...

hie, can you explain to me how to use super gro on chickens thank you in advance

Unknown said...

hie, charles well iam from zimbabwe can you kindly forward to me fliers and video cd that contain the instruction on how to use super gro on chickens and my e-mail is GOD BLESS YOU

Unknown said...

Hi Charles can you kindly forward to me fliers and video cd that contain the instruction on how to use super gro works or uses of it on pultry farming and my e-mail is;

freddy said...

hi charles.
i am called francis elvis DEUMO i leave in CAMEROON .i just saw your facts about the use of SUPER GRO on poultry.and i must confess i am very interested by that.could you please forward to me all the information about how to use the SUPER GRO and if possible some images so that through them i can experience it myself.i will also wish to know if you can use SUPER GRO on all animals and how often
thanks a lot
my email is

Unknown said...

Ni Charles, please can you send the fliers and CD VIDEO on how to use Super gro for poultry farm to my email:
Thanks in advance
Bosso kodzo Crépin from Sénégal

Unknown said...

Hi Charles,I am interested in learning more about how to use super gro in poultry farming.
Kindly forward to me the fliers via my email
Thank you for your prompt reply.

Anonymous said...

Kindly forward to me the fliers via
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles can you kindly forward to me video cd that contain the instruction on how to use super gro works or uses of it on poultry farming and my e-mail is

Unknown said...

i would like to know more about your finding please send me the inform

Unknown said...

Enter your to use it is what i am asking for

Ajayi Nelson said...

which stage of chicken can i use super gro?

Unknown said...

Hi Charles, pls forward to me how to use Super gro on chickens and turkeys. My email is babafemi.dejonwo@

Julius Bolaji said...

Hi Charles, pls forward to me how to use super gro on chichens and animals like pig... mye-mail is thanks

Unknown said...

Hello...kindly please forward me the video on how to use it on poultry. Iam. Very much interested and will purchase large quantities... My email is

Mnena said...

Hi there has he forwarded the materials on how to apply to you?if yes please kindly forward to me thank you in anticipation

Mnena said...

Hi there,please i also need instructions on how to use it on poultry and on other things.I have not slightest idea how to use it please kindly forward it to my e-mail thank you in anticipation.

Mnena said...

Hello,please how do I use super gro on poultry ,I have no idea please can you help out?, .Thank you in anticipation

Anonymous said...

Hello, please how do I use super group on poultry?pleas help thank u

Olasunkanmi said...

Kindly follow me up on whatsapp to tell you more about how to use and get the super gro fast 07031231460

Unknown said...

Please I need the fliees

Unknown said...

Pls, I also need the fliers and instruction on how to use it on Brioler chicken, my email is or WhatsApp me on 08057313724

Anonymous said...

Please I need fliers and CD on how to use Supergro on broiler thanks

Unknown said...

Am interested also

Unknown said...

I'm also interested to know how super group is used on poultry birds and when to use on crops, tnx.

Unknown said...

how its been use

Unknown said...

Please how do i use the super gro fertilizer for poultry and fishing farming because clients have been asking how its been used.kindly send how its been used to

Unknown said...

How can i use super gro for animal farming

Unknown said...

Pls can any one tell me how is super gro use for poutry and fishes I bough it I don't know how to use it

Unknown said...

Pls,i bought one but still confused on how to use it on my poultry..pls kindly help out
My contact

Unknown said...

Please I need the instructions too... Am a distributor, here is my email;
Thank you!

Unknown said...


I just learnt about the benefits of this product on poultry.

Could you please send me anything that will guide me on how to use it?


Unknown said...

My email is:

Unknown said...

How do we use it on layers s broiler

Unknown said...

Please send the instructions on how to use it to this number 07036346311 on whatsapp

Unknown said...

Pls I need the instruction on how to use the SUPER GRO for poultry birds of different level. My WhatsApp no is: 08055175307


Ij said...

Forward to me how to use this product in poultry farming please.

Anonymous said...

Please I need the instruction on how to use super grow on broilers. This my email

Ij said...

Pls am interested. Forward to me how to use this product on poultry and fishery. Thanks the price too

Ij said...

Joybee said...

Please I need the CD on how to use super gro on broilers. Please help forward it to my email: Thank you

Joybee said...

Please I need the CD on how to use super gro on broilers. Please help forward it to my email: Thank you

Unknown said...

Pls I need to know how to use for poultary farming. Pls educate through my No 08035377438 or whatsApp me. God bless you as give that.

Unknown said...

Please how can i purchase a rubber of the supa grow

Unknown said...

My contact 08144202852. Pls need one supa grow

Unknown said...

Contact me to purchase it.. 08134132458

DannyYoung blogger said...

Am into it so if you stay in Lagos you can contact me on 09094909222 for better information

Unknown said...

Enter your comment..why can you give us complete and comprehensive information about supergro .... prescribtion,dosage, withdrawal period and all of that... we need these information please. suppergro

Unknown said...

To get the super gro and direction on how to apply them call...08104235600

Unknown said...

Please i need instructions on how to use super grow on my broiler chicken. And also the time or the old which to start applying it. My email address is

Unknown said...

Pls how to use it for a day old chick.. My whattsapp number 08031835638

Unknown said...

How can I order

Unknown said...

How do I use super gro for poultry?
My number 08037468869 for sms, calls or whatapp.
Or mail me with

Unknown said...

Where is your location or u can rich me with dis number 08064151668 I will give you a good price thanks Lawrence

Unknown said...

My name is Lawrence, if U need anything about superGro call 08076671020 or Whatsapp me on dis number 08064151668 be blessed,thanks.

Unknown said...

Plz how can I do I apply super gro for my phone number is 08134511416 tnx.

Emmanuel Blessed said...

If you need the SUPER GRO....whatsApp me +233 278330649 Thank you

Emmanuel Blessed said...

WhatsApp or call our office for your SUPER GRO +233 278330649 be bless

Unknown said...

Please can you forward to me how to use it. My email is

Unknown said...

Pls forward to me on how to use it for broiler chickens. My email is
Thank you.

Unknown said...

How many times a day do you give super Gro to fowls

Ochuba Dymphna said...

Am a distributor of all Neolife(GNLD) products based in yaba, Lagos. You can place your order for undiluted super Gro organic fertilizer on 08039480875 or WhatsApp 08161169742

Unknown said...

Email me on how to use super gro on chicken.

Unknown said...

Please send the fliers and videos of how to use it on poultry

Unknown said...

How to use it please on chicken. Send reply to my email.

Unknown said...

Can super gro be given to chicks starting from day old till matured??

Unknown said...

Can super gro be given to chicks starting from day old till matured

Unknown said...

Can super gro be given to chicks starting from day old till matured

Unknown said...

I need super gro, from Enugu contact me on 08067182811 if u are near Enugu

Unknown said...

Pls I want to know how to use Super grow in poultry. Awaiting your reply with thanks. God bless you.

Unknown said...

Where are you chatting from..
Lemme know so as for me to locate you and share the super bro product.

Tobabs said...

Kindly send me instruction on how to use super grow for poultry and fish. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I need to guided regarding the dosage of Supergro on Laying chicks. I have just bought one litre for testing. I live in Gombe State. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Please i need to guide on how to use super gro in poultry farm

Dada Samuel said...

Hello, can I use Super Group for my broilers from the week one? And also, can I use it for my 8 weeks pullets? is my email

Unknown said...

How do I use supergroup for my broilers,?

Unknown said...

How do I use supergroup for my broilers? My email is

Unknown said...

Please how can I use super grow fertilizer for broiler chicken please

Unknown said...

Pls when to start using supergro on birds

Unknown said...

Pls I need flier and CD too

Ellafavour said...

Im a distributor,if you want more information follow me on Facebook Instagram, Twitter @favourokunrobo
Email: or call 09051378048.

Ochuba Dymphna said...

Hello.. am a distributor of super gro and all Neolife products. Am based in Lagos but I deliver to all states in Nigeria. WhatsApp or call 08161169742 to place your orders. Or follow my Facebook page: Super Gro Agricultural Fertilizer. For those outside Nigeria, you can place your order through my website:

Ochuba Dymphna said...

Hello.. am a distributor of super gro and all Neolife products. Am based in Lagos but I deliver to all states in Nigeria. WhatsApp or call 08161169742 to place your orders. Or follow my Facebook page: Super Gro Agricultural Fertilizer. For those outside Nigeria, you can place your order through my website:

Ochuba Dymphna said...

Hello.. am a distributor of super gro and all Neolife products. Am based in Lagos but I deliver to all states in Nigeria. WhatsApp or call 08161169742 to place your orders. Or follow my Facebook page: Super Gro Agricultural Fertilizer. For those outside Nigeria, you can place your order through my website:

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

How can I use it on poultry

Unknown said...

Pls tell me I am i n Gombe yoo

Unknown said...

Please, kindly send me the user guide for super grow that contains the benefits. Send it to WhatsApp 08033730394


Hello am new in super group please tell me how to give it to fowls. Should I be giving the super gro to fowls after every one day or after two days?? My email is

Unknown said...

Pls need to how to use I already bought it thanks

Unknown said...

Contact me on 08057521036

Unknown said...

My chicks are 12 days old when can I start giving them super gro? Quantity and and what interval?

Unknown said...

Please send me the flier on how to use super Gro on my broilers

Unknown said...

how can I use it on poultry

Unknown said...

Good morning and win today. Please, I need the instruction manual or video on how to use it for poultry farm. WhatsApp 08033730394 Thanks.

Unknown said...

Kindly assist me on how to use it please. Thanks

Blessedkid said...

How many times should it been to broiler and the withdrawal time.

Unknown said...

Assist me on how to use it for broilers and fish farming.

Unknown said...

How can I use supergroup for poultry and fish farming?

Unknown said...

How can I use supergroup for poultry and fish farming?

Isaac said...

Please send me the guide on how to used super group on my poultry. My email :

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I need full information on how to use super grow on boiler, when to start , can I use it for four weeks plus, interval of using it.